The Todds

The Todds
I'll keep pushing, you keep praying!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Update #66 - How You Can Help

No new updates from Cleveland, but if you are looking for something to do in addition to praying, please read the note below from Trent and Jill's friend Teresa.
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A Time to Count our Blessings
It is the time of year when we all give thanks for our blessings.  I am thankful that 30 years ago at Miami University I met Trent Todd.  Trent was, and still is, the kind of person that makes you feel good.  He listens intently, laughs infectiously, hugs tightly and loves big!  Over the last 30 years we have shared life together:  marriages (mine to Chris and his to Jill), the births of our children (our 3 boys, to which Trent is the Godfather, and beautiful Sophia and Bryce), accomplishments, failures, joy and sadness.  While life has put more miles between us then we would prefer, our families have remained FAMILY.
Sadly, about 7 years ago, Trent developed idiopathic (no known cause) pulmonary fibrosis.  Two and a half years ago, he was blessed with a new set of lungs through a double transplant and he recovered magnificently.  And we all gave thanks!  Then this past spring, he was exposed to a virus that awoke his immune system and began attacking his new lungs.  Trent went back on the transplant list, this time for one lung, and praise God the new lung arrived on the morning of 11/17/13.  
What a blessing, but the journey is not over and Trent and his family must focus on his recovery.  As I have watched Trent, Jill and the kids ride this roller coaster I have often found myself asking “Why Trent?  He is such a good person; a far better person than I.”    And also, “How can we help?”  Unfortunately we may never have the answer to “Why” but I can tell you “How we can help.”  
This family needs our financial support - plain and simple.  The financial burden associated with one transplant, let alone two, is more than any family can bear.  I can assure you that Trent and Jill would never ask for donations.   In fact, I know you all have received the same response from Jill when you’ve asked “What can I do?” or “How can I help?”   Her response is always “Pray.”  And Trent has said from day one, “I'll keep pushing. You keep praying!”  There is no doubt about it, we will continue to pray for Trent, Jill, Sophia and Bryce through the recovery process, but they also need our help financially.  
So I ask, what is a breath worth to you?  Is it worth missing Starbucks in the morning, brown bagging for a week instead of eating out, or not going to a movie this week?  This is my passionate plea to anyone who reads this, whether you know the Todd family or not.  I ask that you do two things:
  1. That you click on the link at the bottom of this post or on the right side of the blog and donate.  Whether it be a single dollar or a week of Starbucks...IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!


  1. That you share the link to this page on your Facebook, Twitter, email distribution, etc.   We need to make this miracle happen.
I am thankful that God brought Trent, Jill, Sophia and Bryce into my life.  I pray that as you count your blessings, you remember this extraordinary family.
With love and gratitude,
Teresa Carey

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