The Todds

The Todds
I'll keep pushing, you keep praying!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Update #25 - ICU

After the most recent discussions with the doctors, Trent will stay in the ICU until they have lungs for him. While this may seem like a bad thing, the change in unit means he gets more attention from the nurses, more access to respiratory therapists and overall more hands-on care. In spite of being in the ICU, Trent was switched from the more intense oxygen breathing mask/system that the doctors put him on when he moved to the ICU last night back to his normal nasal cannula/oxygen mask combination that he has had for the past few weeks. With this combination, he is still managing to keep his oxygen levels at a healthy 92% to 94% while maintaining only slightly elevated blood pressure, respiratory rate and heart rate. The doctors say that as long as he can maintain levels in the current range, he is fine to continue waiting for the perfect set of lungs.

Jill and Trent's families have set up camp in the family area outside of the ICU and are taking turns sitting with him and trying to convince him to STOP TALKING SO MUCH! No surprise that even when he is struggling to breathe he still feels the need to interact with everyone constantly. :-)

New lungs will come...keep praying!

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