The Todds

The Todds
I'll keep pushing, you keep praying!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Update #27 - Finally Resting

Thank you to everyone who came to support Trent at the Prayer Balloon Launch this morning. The Todds can feel the prayers and can't wait to see the video and photos of the whole event.

For anyone who was not able to be at the Launch this morning, there have been some changes to Trent's care.

First, Trent now has two machines that are helping his lungs and allowing him to relax and prepare for his transplant. The first machine has taken on the burden of inhaling and exhaling against the scarring in his lungs that pulmonary fibrosis has caused. The second machine helps to get the most oxygen possible into his blood before his heart moves the blood throughout his body, taking additional strain off of his organs. The two machines are working with Trent to keep his oxygen, blood pressure and heart rate exactly where they are supposed to be. The doctors have also helped him go into a deep sleep (probably the best sleep he has had in months) in order to take additional stress off of his body.

Aside from the machines sitting near his bed, Trent looks more like himself than he has in months. His color is normal, his breathing is relaxed and his body seems strong. Not only that, Trent's nurses and doctors seem very calm and confident about his care.

Waiting is difficult, but Trent will get lungs, and these new measures will help him to be as prepared as possible when he finally goes to surgery. Keep praying that the call will come soon.

1 comment:

  1. Today was a beautiful event for a very loved man. Trent, our prayers are with you and for you. Keeping you close in our hearts at all times and asking God for his healing hands to be upon you and your family.
    We love you! Blessings - The Lothrop's
