The Todds

The Todds
I'll keep pushing, you keep praying!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Update #31 - Deep Breath...

Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready? WE...HAVE...LUNGS!!! Not tentatively, not six hours from now...Trent is being prepped for the operating room, and surgery starts at 7:45 a.m.!

Jill got the initial word around 11:30 p.m. yesterday but didn't want to believe it or deal with another false alarm, so she and Ronda continued to wait. They wouldn't even let the nurse tell Trent!

But now, the lungs are viable, Trents vitals look good, and the Director of the Transplant Group at Cleveland Clinic will be putting two new, healthy lungs in Trent's chest in just under an hour.

I'll post more details on what to expect soon, but the surgery can last anywhere from six to twelve hours. Trent is still fragile, and the procedure will be grueling, so prayers are more important than ever!

Trent is obviously still pushing... You keep praying!


  1. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!! The Hanburys are doing the happy dance right now!!!!!! Serious prayers will be firing off all day for a masterful job to be done by the surgeons.

  2. Will be praying that God guides the hands of the surgeons! The pastor said at the balloon launch to pray for a miracle. This is everyone's miracle come true!!
