The Todds

The Todds
I'll keep pushing, you keep praying!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Update #38 - All Good

Jill and Greg got to meet with Dr. Budev, the doctor that Trent and Jill first met with at Cleveland Clinic, earlier today. Overall, she is very optimistic about Trent's progress and outlook. She described Trent's new lungs as "beautiful" and said they were the best possible donor lungs (God knew what he was doing in rejecting the first two sets). Trent's vitals are stable, and he is progressing as the doctors would hope.

In the conversation, Dr. Budev also reminded Jill that we are less than 24 hours after the transplant, a very major surgery. Trent's youth and fitness levels are definite pluses in terms of his recovery, but it will still be a long road. She stressed the element of TIME (Greg added PRAYER to that) for Trent's healing. There is a reason he was number one on the National Transplant List - he was pretty sick prior to the surgery, which impacts the time it takes to recover. Overall, however, Trent is doing well.

Jill is doing okay, and the positive reports from the doctors have definitely lifted her spirits. She and Trent's sister Jessica have set up a nice "efficiency apartment," as they call it, in their corner of the ICU waiting room, a sign that they both have a sense of humor still well intact. The waiting room is aptly named, though, for as we wait from wherever we are, Jill, Jessica and the rest of their support system sit and wait as well. Be praying for peace and patience for everyone there, and for more progress in Trent's recovery today.

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