The Todds

The Todds
I'll keep pushing, you keep praying!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Update #40 - Wakey, Wakey!

Trent is starting to wake up! The process will be very gradual - his body is still in shock from the surgery - but he is beginning to respond to voices and small requests (he opened his mouth when the nurse asked him to). The current goal is for him to start moving his hands and feet on his own to wake them up as the rest of his body continues to come out of the fog that surgery put him in.

Trent is off of all medications except his insulin (which he was on long before the transplant) and the meds for his blood pressure, which is normal after a transplant. The nurses are very pleased with his progress, and everything is going as well as could be hoped for.

One side note: the information that I am posting is coming directly from Jill (or whoever is sitting with her at the hospital) and is being communicated exactly how she would like it to be. Trent is still a patient, and more importantly, Jill's husband, and we have to respect both patient confidentiality and Trent and Jill's personal privacy. I know we are all desperate for information, but if you have specific questions regarding anything that is posted, please get in touch with your personal contact in a private Facebook message or email. Please don't ask detailed medical or personal questions on the public Facebook forum or in the Comments section of the blog, and please do not contact Jill directly. After such a long and exhausting week, she is looking forward to the "quiet" of the ICU and some private time to sit with Trent as he wakes up with his new lungs.

Thanks, and keep praying!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I am a friend of Beth Gaine's and heard about your story through her. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying praying praying and have been so blessed to be a part of your journey. God moves through the depths as well as the heights, and being able to partner with what God is doing in your family has brought me closer to The God of Miracles. You are a beautiful example of all that is steadfast and faithful. Will continue to keep you all in prayer!
